domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

New WebSite to book particular houses in Cuba. WebSite responsive. Wow, now from you mobile.

Accommodations in Cuba in particular houses, homestay, bed and Breakfast, villages, inns, hostels, vacations rentals, guesthouses, private homes. System online bookings, safe and quickly. No payments online.


Top attractions in Havana City 


ü  The friendly locals - 'Los Habaneros' 

ü  Old Havana - the historical district of Havana, where you find a lot of beautiful architecture & museums.

ü  The Capitol 'Capitolio Nacional' in Centro Habana - must see!

ü  The Cigar factories - for instance 'Partagas' - one of the most important cigar factories in Cuba - special atmosphere.

ü  Ernest Hemingway Museum - have a look how this great man lived in Cuba.

ü  Party in Vedado - visit the famous clubs in Vedado and feel like in the in the 50's!

ü  The beaches - 'Playas del Este' - near the city center you find perfect beaches, hotels and great nightlife.


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