jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

I'm showing a new website to rent casas particulares (particular houses) en Cuba.



This web is the largest and friendly place to guarantee unforgettable holidays lodged in Casas particulares (Particular houses) in Cuba


Casas Particulares are a recent lodging option in Cuba. In some Casas the visitor will share common areas with the Cuban family, there are however many Casas in which the room is connected to the house but completely independent from the host family; in these cases you will enjoy the company of a Cuban family. There are other Casas in which the host does not live in the house and the space is private for the guest, these can be either houses or apartments. All our Casas Particulares have high standards of comfort, calm and security.


How is the service?


Our service is free and legal, there are no online payments, no hidden fees. We have direct contact with the owners of the Casas Particulares we announce and assure they are all properly authorized by the Cuban government.


These are the benefits of choosing to stay at a Casa Particular:


Lower prices than at hotels with the same commodities.

It is the only way to get to know Cuba, its people and culture, and to make new friends.

It is a way to help Cuban families.

You could learn some Spanish, have fun dancing and enjoy the company of Cubans.


Cuba, your best choice to enjoy happy holydays in Cuba.

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