miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Cuba Traveler's Information for US Citizens

Americans are for all intents and purposes, not allowed to travel to Cuba.

Heavy fines are being imposed and at a much greater frequency under the Bush administration. If you yet didn't, please check out the OFAC website  OFAC Website

OK fine ... how do I go to Cuba? (for US citizens)

"When unlicensed travelers go to Cuba from the US they normally have to go through a third country. You will frequently see this referred to as the "Gateway" on various boards. The most common gateways to Cuba for unlicensed US travelers are Toronto, Montreal, Nassau (Bahamas), Cancun and Mexico City, and less frequently used Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and Montego Bay. In my opinion Mexico and in particular Cancun are the gateways that offer the least risk of detection I say that because:

** Unlike Canada and the Bahamas, a traveller leaving from Mexico does not pre-clear US Customs and Immigration. You will not clear Customs/Immigration until you arrive back in the US. In Canada and the Bahamas you will go through US Customs and Immigration at the airport in Toronto, Montreal or Nassau.

Cancun is the most popular destination for US tourists in the Caribbean. There is absolutely no reason why US Customs/Immigration would suspect you have been anywhere else but Cancun.

You can book your hotel and flight in/to Cuba through the Junky websites with your US credit card without any risk. 
Your credit card receipt will state nothing about Cuba or whatever.

You should take the following steps in traveling back/forth:

- Enter Mexico from the US

- Mexico does not stamp passports on exit, although you will need a passport to enter Cuba.

- Cuban Immigration does not stamp the passport at the present time, so do not worry about a Cuban stamp.

- When you arrive back in Mexico from Cuba you will probably have to present your passport. The entry stamp that is placed there should be the only stamp you receive on your trip. Some people recommend presenting the passport with a $10 bill inside to avoid the Mexican entry stamp.

- After you arrive in Mexico make sure you strip all HAV luggage tags from you checked baggage.

- Throw away your Cuban tickets, boarding passes and any other paper evidence of your Cuban trip.

- Do not list Cuba as a Country visited on the Customs Declaration form.

- Do not bring back any high profile Cuban souvenirs like cigars, rum, t-shirts.

The fine by the way if you are unlucky or careless enough to get caught can be negotiated down to $1000 or less.

Travel Documents For a US citizen

Passport (US related)
Make no mistake about it ... you need a "valid" passport to get into Cuba. Whereas in some countries you can get in with a US birth certificate (Mexico, Canada) or even an expired passport (Bahamas), you will NOT be admitted into Cuba with these credentials. Make sure its valid and current.
Passport Stamping - Fortunately, the Cubans know that returning to the US with a Cuba stamp can be trouble if you're not there with a General or Specific License from OFAC. It used to be that if you slipped the immigration official a $5 or $10 with your passport, it was no problem. However, now there are posted signs in the Immigration Department discouraging such practices. 
Either way, the best thing to do is smile, say something nice then ask them in Spanish to please not stamp your passport. "Por favor, no empuje mi pasaporte" should do fine. This is still no guarantee that they won't however.

Holy crap ... they stamped my passport! (US related) 
Immediately wire home and have them send you enough money to hide out in Cuba for the rest of your life!! You will need to ... just kidding.
If you check the OFAC papers (see link on navigation panel), I'm sure you'll probably find a sanctioned way to go and not have to worry about it. If not, the chances of actually being assessed a fine are pretty remote anyway. 

If you feel the need to bypass the system and go anyway, well ...
CAREFUL: Lying to an Immigration Official is a Federal Offense. If you lie, you'll probably get through. Then again, if they decide to question you, well ...
If you tell them the truth, they'll probably just wave you on through. However, if not, read the above OFAC section.
If you get through, there's always that stamped passport you have to contend with. Again, the absolute best way to go about it is under the OFAC guidelines. A little reading can go a long way.

Cienfuegos City

Cienfuegos City is called "The Pearl of the South" because of the impressive beauty of its bay; because of its seductive city which provokes the wonder of all who know it, and because of that innate nobility which characterizes those born in Cienfuegos. The history of Cienfuegos possesses interesting antecedents and is rich in aborigine and Hispanic legends. Before the Spanish came to America, the zone was settled by indigenous people and was known as the Cacicazgo de Jagua

Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa

Santiago de Cuba
Nestled alongside a sweeping bay at the foothills of the Sierra Maestra mountains, Santiago is Cuba's most exotic and ethnically diverse city. Santiago is renowned for producing much of Cuba's most important music, and this rich musical tradition, mingled with the remnants of French customs, gives the city a sensual, even sleazy, New Orleans-like atmosphere.

Baracoa is a land of great rainfall and many rivers. The lush vegetation, the high mountains covered with long-lived forest, the customs that have been handed down from one generation to another and the appearance of a town that has remained unchanged over a long time are, undoubtly, key ingredients in the special attraction of this tiny city on the shores of Miel (Honey) Bay

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Far away for the hotels in Cuba.

Most visitors to Cuba, wishing to escape the dark and long winters in their own countries, book into all-inclusive beach resorts promising sun, sea, and cheap mojitos, far away from where real Cuban life enfolds. At best, they may sign up for an escorted daytrip to Cuba’s capital Havana, to stroll through the touristy and spruced up part of the historic center, and ride along the 8km (5-mile) long Malecón esplanade in a classic American car from the 50’s.


There are, however, a growing number of travelers discovering there is much more to Cuba than beautiful beaches alone: picturesque colonial towns like TrinidadCamaguey and Santiago de Cuba. The adventurous traveler can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, bird watching in National Parks and the Viñales Valley, white-water rafting, scuba diving or snorkeling, and not to forget, the intoxicating rhythms of Cuban music one can find on street corners, in dance clubs, or at other music venues. However, the biggest draw of all is undoubtedly the Cubans themselves, who are trying to play the limited cards they are dealt with an admirable resourcefulness, perseverance, and zest for life.


Traveling along Cuba’s casas particulares is an ideal, affordable way to meet ordinary Cubans and get more insight into their daily lives. Privately owned single family residences, but strictly licensed and regulated by the government, the casas are the Cuban version of our bed and breakfasts and one of the few ways Cubans can make a couple of extra bucks to supplement their minimal incomes. Although simple, the rooms are clean and air-conditioned, have an annex private bathroom with shower. Often there is a fridge in the room as well. Best of all, you get this great sense of being part of their family, since the slogan "mi casa es su casa" invariably reigns. Once tapped into their network, you’ll be free of accommodation and transport problems for the rest of your travel in Cuba: casa owners, happy to help you out, will simply refer you to family members, friends, or contacts of contacts all over the island.


Article by Lies Ouwerkerk. Independent Travel Columnist


Info Fishing. Las Salinas de Brito in the Peninsule of Zapata.

Las Salinas de Brito, is a gem in the Caribbean Sea which stretches for 4,250 square meters to the south of the Bay of Pigs, in the Peninsula de Zapata National Park: the largest park in Cuba to live in harmony many species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fishes.The water ... of crystal clear .. hide the real curiosity of nature as the manjuaris: living fossil fish of the Cretaceous-Tertiary half-fish, halfsnake.


Flats in Las Salinas you may encounter many species of aquatic birds: imagine fishing "Bonefish" in the midst of the colonies "Flamingos". Numerous red mangrove lagoons, where you can walk with water (at 28 ° temperature) that comes just to the knee, home to the largest amount of Bonefish and Permits throughout Cuba. due to the fact that for a long time in this area has been banned commercial fishing and Sport fishing is practiced with particular attention to the protection of the natural environment and nature conservation methods like Catch and Release.


Without a doubt we can say that Las Salinas de Brito is a paradise for fly fishing for its natural beauty and its protection techniques: in fact fishing for Bonefish is organized so as not to exert strong pressure in the Flats is authorized fishing for only 4 days a week and for groups of up to six fishermen at day. That means that the fisherman who decides to fish for 4 days in a row can go every day in a different place: La laguna de las Piedras, the Sevilla etc.. to easily catch large quantities of Bonefish, Permits, and often Barracuda. You can switch to the Flats fishing in the Rio Hatiguanico: river of brackish water that extends for 45 km in a natural environment of incomparable beauty. The Tarpon fishing is the main in this wonderful place ... tarpons baby in its three sizes, small, and big.


You can also catch Snooks large and also Pargos and Cuberas in quantity.The fishing guides are  exceptional in their work thanks to the deep knowledge that all the corners and crevices of this river also provide fishermen catch with litle practice.One experience that you can do is fishing in fresh waters of the internal lagoon Guamá blackbass small and medium sized.

Nature of Cuba

Zapata Peninsula
The best-known of Cuba's wildlife havens, the Zapata Peninsula, 156 km southeast of Havana, is a refuge for many bird and animal species. The scenery is spectacular: flamingos swoop across the milky lagoons, and crocodiles meander out across the dirt roads. The entire region is now a nature reserve.

Sierra Del Escambray
The majestic Sierra del Escambray is Cuba's second most famous mountain range after the Sierra Maestra in the Oriente, with its highest peak - the Pico San Juan - topping 1,100 metres. Some of the heaviest rainfall in Cuba feeds the Escambray's lush jungle, where trees are laden with bromeliads and delicate waterfalls greet you at every turn; look out for the giant umbrella-like ferns, a prehistoric species.

Sierra Maestra Mountains
To experience fully the rugged beauty of the outheastern mountains, the best base is the Villa Santo Domingo, in the hills south of the road linking Bayamo and Manzanillo on the coast. Guides accompany visitors to the area through the wilderness and lead hikes up Cuba's highest mountain, Pico Turquino (1,970 metres), 16 km away. The trail is exciting and beautiful: between outcroppings of mineral and volcanic rocks, deep green conifers stand alongside precious cedar, mahogany and trumpet wood trees.

Escambray Mountains
... or massif of Guamuhaya: mountain range that is characterized by steep peaks and deep valleys, the exuberance of vegetation, endemism of species of flora and fauna, cave systems, beautiful landscapes, pure and transparent rives and streams that make up picturesque waterfalss and crystalline ponds. The visit to this mountains also allow to know about the rural life associated to the growing of coffee and other agricultural activities.

Havana City

Havana is probably the most splendid example of Spanish colonial architecture in Latin America. Much of the historic centre has been carefully restored. The absence of the outward manifestations of international commerce - advertising billboards, burger chains, neon lights - helps create a subtle and haunting atmosphere missing in the other capitals of the Spanish colonial domain. Museums, forts and lively squares add to the attraction Havana City

Trinidad de Cuba

Trinidad is a small and peaceful city located between the sea and a range of rolling verdant hills. It pays homage to an illustrious past by remaining perfectly preserved since colonial times. There are fine churches and red-tiled mansions lining the cobbled streets, many of which are open to visitors. To savour the richness of this culture, visit the half-dozen museums or music clubs (casas de la trova), or a cigar factory whilst staying at nearby Playa Ancón.


Around Viñales, in the western province of Pinar del Rio, are a unique string of rounded limestone mountains called mogotes; in their shadows are the lush green fields that produce the world's finest tobacco leaves, the dream of cigar connoisseurs from Paris to New York.

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Consejos útiles para la vida.

Cuando digas "te amo", dilo de verdad...


Cuando digas "lo siento", mira a la persona a los ojos.


Cree en el amor a primera vista.


Jamás te burles de los sueños de los demás.


Ama profunda y apasionadamente, puedes salir herido, pero esa es la única manera de vivir la vida completamente.


Enfrenta a los desacuerdos, pelea limpio, no ofendas.


No, juzgues a los demás por sus parientes.


Habla lentamente, pero piensa con rapidez.


Cuando alguien te haga una pregunta que no quieres responder, sonríe y pregúntale "¿por qué quieres saber "


Recuerda que el más grande amor y los más grandes logros involucran mayores riesgos.


Llama a tu mamá. Si esto no es posible al menos piensa en ella.


Di "SALUD", cuando escuches a alguien estornudar.


Cuando pierdas, no pierdas la lección.


Recuerda la tres R's: Respeto a ti mismo, Respeto a los demás, y Responsabilidad para todas tus acciones.


No permitas que una pequeña disputa dañe una gran amistad.


Cuando te des cuenta que has cometido un error, toma medidas inmediatas para corregirlo.


Sonríe cuando respondas al teléfono. Quien llama lo podrá escuchar en tu voz.


Cásate con una persona que guste de conversar, pues cuando llegue la vejez las habilidades de conversador(a) serán más importantes que cualquier otra.


Pasa algún tiempo en soledad.


Abre tus brazos al cambio, pero no te desprendas de tus valores.


Recuerda que el silencio es, a veces, la mejor respuesta.


Lee más libros y mira menos TV.


Vive una vida buena y honorable. Luego, cuando te hagas viejo y recuerdes el pasado, verás como la disfrutas por segunda vez.


Una atmósfera amorosa en tu hogar es importante.


Haz todo lo posible para crear un hogar tranquilo y armonioso.


Ante desacuerdos con tus seres queridos, céntrate en la situación presente. No traigas de vuelta el pasado.


Lee entre líneas.


Comparte tu conocimiento. Es una manera de lograr la inmortalidad.


Se gentil con el planeta....


Jamás interrumpas cuando estés siendo halagado.


Ocúpate de tus propios asuntos.


No confíes en una mujer que no cierre los ojos cuando la besas.


Una vez al año, visita algún lugar donde nunca hayas estado.


Si ganas mucho dinero, disponlo para ayudar a otros mientras estés con vida. Esa es la mayor satisfacción que la fortuna te puede dar.


Recuerda que el no conseguir lo que quieres es, a veces, un golpe de suerte


Aprende las reglas... así sabrás como romperlas apropiadamente.


Recuerda que la mejor de las relaciones es aquella donde el amor entre dos personas es más grande que la necesidad del uno por el otro.

Juzga tu éxito en la medida de lo que tuviste que renunciar para obtenerlo.


Aborda el amor y la cocina con osada entrega.



-.La maravilla del silencio.-


En el silencio reside la habilidad de escuchar: escucharnos y escuchar a los demás.

Escuchar es un arte olvidado.

Sin él, no podemos comunicarnos ni relacionarnos con los demás.

Necesitamos aprender a escuchar.

Sentarnos en silencio nos permite escucharnos y comprender.

Este silencio es capaz de sanar.

Las preocupaciones y el dolor se pueden curar cuando nos escuchamos.

Por medio del silencio interno recibimos la fortaleza para sanar.

Escuchar genuinamente significa que podemos percibir la realidad interior.

En el silencio nos ponemos en contacto con nuestro verdadero ser.

Si estamos tranquilos y en silencio, si entramos en nuestro interior, podemos experimentar nuestra bondad original, nuestro verdadero ser.

El ego, la ira, el temor y los deseos erróneos han creado las diversas enfermedades de nuestra mente y nuestro corazón.

Estas enfermedades no son parte de nuestro verdadero yo, y hemos creído en ellas durante demasiado tiempo.

La combinación de nuestra bondad original con esta negatividad adquirida ha generado una gran confusión.

Para separarlas y acabar con esta enfermedad de la negatividad necesitamos las cualidades de nuestro ser original, en especial las cualidades del amor y la paz.




Especialmente, los pensamientos en los que te invalidas.

Los pensamientos en los que te dices que no lo intentes.

Los pensamientos en los que te auto compadeces o te haces la víctima de los demás.

Los pensamientos con los que desestimas lo maravilloso que tienes.

Los pensamientos que te llevan a desconfiar o alejarte de la gente.

Los pensamientos en los que desconoces lo bueno de tu pasado.

Los pensamientos en los que no aprecias tus esfuerzos

y logros.

Los pensamientos en los que no reconoces tu increíble capacidad de lograr lo que tú quieres.

Más que estar pendiente de lo que los demás dicen de ti, cuida permanentemente y con recelo lo que tú te dices a ti mismo. Cambia la forma de hablarte a ti mismo y cambiarás tu calidad de vida instantáneamente.

Sólo por hoy elige ser más alegre y positivo, notarás la diferencia.

Gracias por hacerme disfrutar del sentimiento de la amistad.


Especialmente, los pensamientos en los que te invalidas.




Nada es eterno en esta vida, hoy... naces, mañana... creces, pasado... mueres.

Sin embargo existen hombres que se creen inmortales y sólo viven pensando en su futuro.

Aquellos hombres que disfrutan de su hoy, renacerán todos los días, pues ellos vivieron su presente, como si fuera el último día de su vida.

Aquellos que viven soñando en el mañana, crecerán tan sólo en esperanzas e ilusiones, ya que nadie ha logrado hasta el momento, predecir qué ocurrirá en su futuro.

Aquellos que viven añorando su pasado, quedarán solos y en él como atrapados, porque los buenos y malos momentos que vivieron, ahora pertenecen tan sólo a su pasado.

Viviendo en tu presente... renacerás todos los días, viviendo en tu futuro... crecerás sólo en sueños e ilusiones, viviendo en tu pasado... morirás en él por siempre y olvidado.




1. Tire a la basura los números no importantes. Esto incluye edad, peso y altura. Deje que el doctor se preocupe por ellos, porque para eso se le paga.

2. Mantenga sólo amigos que sean alegres. Los "tontos-serios" le bajonearán

3. Manténgase siempre aprendiendo. Conozca más de computación, arte, jardinería, cualquier cosa. Nunca deje que el cerebro esté inactivo. "Una cabeza perezosa permite que llegue el demonio y el nombre de ese demonio es Alzheimer".

4. Goce de las cosas simples.

5. Ríase mucho, en forma larga y fuerte. Ríase hasta que pierda el aliento

6. Las lágrimas existen. Tolérelas, apénese, pero siga adelante. La única persona que estará con usted toda la vida es usted mismo. SIÉNTASE VIVO mientras esté vivo.

7. Rodéese de lo que ama, bien sea su familia, sus mascotas, su música, sus plantas, sus hobbys, cualquier cosa. Haga siempre de su hogar su refugio.

8. Aprecie su salud. Si está bien, presérvela. Si está inestable, mejórela. Si no es posible mejorarla, recurra a ayuda.

9. No haga viajes con culpabilidad. Váyase de compras, viaje a otros países, vaya a cualquier parte, pero NO donde la culpa se encuentre.

10. Dígale "Te quiero" a la gente que ama, en cada oportunidad que tenga.

Y RECUERDE SIEMPRE...la vida no se mide por el número de respiraciones que haga, si no por los momentos que nos dejan sin respiración.





Movil: (0053) 53 112562 

Fijo: (0053) 45 98 7552





jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

El tiempo

Imagínate que existe un banco, que cada mañana acredita en tu cuenta la suma de  $ 86 400,00 y no arrastra tu saldo día a día.

Cada noche borra cualquier cantidad de tu saldo que no usaste durante el día.

¿Qué harías? ¡Retirar hasta el último centavo,  por supuesto!

Cada uno de nosotros tiene ese banco.


Su nombre, el Tiempo.


Cada mañana este banco te acredita 86 400 segundos.

Cada noche este banco borra y da como perdido cualquier cantidad de ese crédito que no has invertido en un buen propósito.

Este banco no arrastra saldos ni permite sobregiros, cada día te abre una cuenta nueva.

Cada noche elimina los saldos del día, si no usas tus depósitos del día, la pérdida es tuya.

No se puede dar marcha atrás, no existen los giros a cuenta del depósito de mañana.

Debes vivir en el presente con  los depósitos de hoy.

Invierte de tal manera de conseguir lo mejor en Salud, Felicidad y  éxito.

El reloj sigue su marcha.

Consigue lo máximo en el día.

Para entender el valor de un año, pregúntale a un estudiante que perdió el año de estudio.

Para entender el valor de un mes, pregúntale a una madre que alumbra a un bebe prematuro.

Para entender el valor de una semana, pregúntale a un editor de un semanario.

Para entender el valor de una hora, pregúntales a los amantes que esperan encontrarse.

Para entender el valor de un minuto,  pregúntale a una  persona que perdió el tren.

Para entender el valor de un segundo, pregúntale a una persona que evitó un accidente.

Para entender el valor de una milésima de segundo, pregúntale que obtuvo medalla de plata en una olimpiada.

Atesora cada momento que vivas y atesóralo más si lo compartiste con alguien especial, lo suficientemente especial como para dedicarle tu tiempo.

Y recuerda que el tiempo no espera por nada.


Ayer,  es historia.

Mañana,  es misterio.

Hoy, es una dádiva, por eso es que se le llama Presente.


Recuerda que presente, dádiva y regalo son sinónimos.







Movil: (0053) 53  112562 

Fijo:   (0053)  45  987552




jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014



Located on the south central region of the Island and with a unique tourism product, whose main elements are its enormous nautical potential and its rich historic and cultural traditions, the province of Cienfuegos is today a must-see place for most of the visitors who tour the country. 

Without a doubt, its main attraction is the capital city itself, identically named and unique settlement founded by French settlers who came from Burdeos, Philadelphia and Louisiana. According to history, the colony of La Fernandina de Jagua owes its birth, on April 22 of 1819, to Don Louis D'Clouet; it became a Villa in 1829 and a City in 1880. 

Cienfuegos is widely known as the Pearl of the South or the beautiful city of the sea; and even one its most illustrious children, the greatest sonero Benny Moré, used to proudly call it "the city that I like the most". 

Originally, the urban center continued its development according with the colonial construction style, which used to ramify from the Plaza de Armas (Parade Square), currently known as José Martí square, around which the first 25 blocks were built, as well as the most important government, religious and domestic buildings. 

Since 1902, the only Triumphal Arch existing in Cuba and the surrounding countries can be seen, among other structures of high value, at the Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción (1819); as well as the Tomás Terry Theater, one of the three most important ones in the island during the XIX century, and Palatino, which is believed to be the oldest building in the square. 
Furthermore, the inhabitants of Cienfuegos are proud to have the longest Paseo del Prado (Prado Promenade) of the country, which goes from the entrance of the city to the Malecón (Waterfront), allowing a quick and easy access to Punta Gorda and La Punta, lively residential area of the south side where you will also be able to see the flagship building of Cienfuegos: Palacio del Valle, a luxurious mansion that constitutes the most eloquent expression of Cienfuegos' eclecticism, where the prevailing construction tendencies are Mudejar and Gothic in harmony with Byzantine, Venetian and Baroque. 

Small beaches washed by the Caribbean Sea, like Rancho Luna and El Inglés are located on the shores of the urban area, and constitute ideal places for the practice of Scuba Diving; especially in the stretch between the canal of the entrance to the Bay of Jagua and Boca Ambuila, where, besides the Notre Dame Column Coral (6 meters high and named so because of its extraordinary structural similarity to the famous Cathedral of Paris), there are more than 50 diving sites for snorkeling even around sunken ships. 

The lagoon of Guanaroca, located to the southeast of the bay, is a privileged place for the observation of several species of the local fauna. A complex made by The Cueva (cave) de Martín Infierno -where there is a 67 meters high stalagmite, considered one of the highest in the planet- and the Valle (valley) de Yaguanabo are also part of the group of tourism attractions of the Province of Cienfuegos. 

To the east, the one hundred years old Botanical Garden (National Monument) offers to visitors an enormous collection of plants of nearly 1 450 species, out of which 80% are exotic, and bears a collection of palm trees that is considered among the 10 most important ones in the world. 

The waterfall of El Nicho, in the mountanous region of Sierra de Trinidad, is by itself an ideal place for lovers of Nature and Adventure Tourism, as well as the area of Guajimico, which is also appropriate for Scuba Diving. While, only 23 kilometers away from the city, the micro-medicinal waters of Ciego Montero, with more than a century of successful use and proven, effectiveness are very suitable for bath treatments and therapeutic purposes in an environment of tranquility and restfulness.









Around one hundred kilometers of beaches of an exceptional quality located at Santa Lucía Beach and a group of surrounding keys is the main and most renowned tourism attraction of the province of Camagüey. This province covers 15 900 km2 of the central-east region of the Cuban archipelago, and the two main pillars that sustain its economic development have traditionally been the sugar and cattle industries. 

The birth of Camagüey as a capital in Punta de Guincho, facing the Bay of Nuevitas, dates back to February 2 of the year 1514. Camagüey was one of the first seven villas founded by the Spanish colonizers in the Island and baptized as Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe. 

Nevertheless, it was only on January 6, 1528 that the capital was definite and paradoxically moved to its current location, between the Tínima and Hatibonico rivers and well away from the coasts, to avoid the frequent attacks of pirates and corsairs "according to some historians" or escaping away from plagues, the infertility of the soils and the lack of water; according to the opinion of other specialists. 

The Historic Center of the City of Camagüey, second largest in the country, has rightfully earned being considered a must-see place for those who choose Santa Lucía as their holiday destination, being 110 kilometers away form each other with an infinity of charms to be discovered between them. 

Camagüey is also known as the City of Tinajones, due to the widespread use of those large recipients of water made of cooked clay. Camagüey (known under this name since 1903) has a very particular urban construction style with narrow and tortuous streets that always end in squares and plazas, where we can still see buildings of outstanding historical, social and architectural value. 

The Callejón de Funda del Catre (Bed Cover Alley), whose popular name, according to the neighbors of this place, comes from the fact that its width would not allow two horses to run through it together; San Juan de Dios and Carmen squares, Madres Ursulinas Convent, Las Cinco Esquinas del Ángel, Aguador del Ferrocarril or the churches of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Santa Ana, Parroquial Mayor, Nuestra Señora de la Soledad and La Caridad or Sagrado Corazón de Jesús are places located downtown Camagüey which are of interest for visitors. 

Visiting this city gives you the opportunity to enjoy the San Juan Camagüeyano, which became a traditional celebration between 1725 and 1728 that takes place in current times today from 24 to 29 of June; tasting typical dishes the local cuisine like the ajiaco, the jerked beef or the monteria. And at the same time get acquainted with the everyday life of a young generation of talented ceramists and get to know, first hand, a city that is considered an important cultural and scientific pilar of the nation and which gave birth, in the XVI century, to the first Cuban literary work, "Espejo de Paciencia" by the writer of the council, Silvestre de Balboa.







Ciego de Ávila

Ciego de Ávila, a city that was founded in 1840 and marked by the prevalence in its architecture of portals built one right next to the other, neoclassic columns and Creole tiles. 

El Teatro Principal (Main Theater), whose construction finished in 1927 and considered one of the best ones in the island for its acoustics; the church of San Eugenio de la Palma, patron of the city, La Casa de la Cultura (the House of Culture) and the Gallery of Art, the nearby Finca de Oasis; or the Bioplants Center, attached the Higher Institute of Agriculture of Ciego de Ávila are as well very attractive places in a province of rich cultural traditions preserved with excellence in the Jamaica neighborhood, in Baraguá; in the traditional celebrations of Managua; in the parrandas of Chambas and Punta Alegre, or in the work of the Haitian group Okay, based in the municipality of Venezuela.

Ciego de Ávila has also a lot to offer to the visitors. 
The city of the Rooster, as Morón is mostly known, is the closest one to Jardines del Rey. Downtown, the city preserves some buildings of high architectural and urban value, and in its outskirts, we can see some of the remains of forts La Trocha de Júcaro a Morón, a defensive system built by the Spanish army during the second half of the XIX century to try to stop the Cuban Liberation Army from moving from east to west, and considered one of the most important military engineering works throughout all the Hispanic America. 

The surrounding environment also offers great swamps and lagoons of the north of Morón, and the area of La Loma de Cunagua, where we can find some forty duck, pigeon and dove hunting sites, among which the most well-known are: Los Aguachales, Falla, Chicola, Canal La Yana and Puente Largo. In the last one, you can also enjoy trout fishing, activity that can also be done at the damp Liberación. 

Driving from Moron to Cayo Coco Dutch settlement of Turiguanó can be found, built at the beginning of the 60's to provide shelter to a cattle raising community; and the lagoons La Redonda (4.5 km2), with an international center for trout fishing; and La Leche (67 km2), annual venue of the traditional Aquatic Carnival of Morón and recently included as one of the sites for the World Championship of Formula T-1 speed boats.








Santiago de Cuba

Its transcendental historic and cultural values and the well-known hospitality of its people, of happy and noisy character, are two of the characteristics of that distinguish the southeastern province of Santiago de Cuba, considered the authentic capital of the Caribbean because of its geographic position and ethnic origins. 

The foundation of its original urban center "located next to a large pocket bay, well protected and surrounded by mountains" dates back to 1514. During its ulterior process of expansion, the city adapted perfectly well to the irregularity of the surface of the region. 

Initially, the mining of gold and copper and the cultivation of coffee (introduced after the inflow of French immigrants) were, in the colonial times, the main economic activities of a city, sieged by pirates, corsairs and the enemies of the Spanish metropolis; which required intense fortification work. The most important of its forts, Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca, was declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. 

People from Santiago just call it El Morro and they know that, together with Castillo de La Estrella and the battery of La Socapa, it is part of the largest and most complete example of European Renaissance military engineering, applied to the conditions of the Caribbean by a colonial power. 

Santiago de Cuba grew under the protection of this kind of forts. Its historic center keeps in its splendor valuable examples of colonial architecture (of strong Andalusian and Moorish tradition) with the outstanding house of Diego Velázquez, considered the oldest one in the island, and the Metropolitan Cathedral, both of them located very close to the most well known arteries of the city: the streets of Enramada and Padre Pico. 

Céspedes Park is, without a doubt, the heart of the only Hero City of the Republic of Cuba, scenario on July 26 of 1953 of the attack on the Moncada Garrison, action that set the start of the last stage of the national liberation war. This is also the place where the remains of the National Hero, José Marti, lay in an impressive funeral monument of the Cemetery of Santa Ifigenia. 

Around 15 museums, including Bacardi, the first one built in the country; the paternity of two popular and transcendental musical rhythms: Son and Bolero; the prestigious institution of Orfeón Santiago; the fidelity to artistic expressions like Contredanse (which is said came as French and became Cuban), and the best carnival of the island; are cultural treasures jealously preserved, but also pleasantly shared with visitors, because Santiago is, above all, a city of open and cordial people. 

Beyond the limits of the city, visitors can find several attractions, among which the Sanctuary of La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, Patroness of Cuba, built in 1927, is one of the most well-known. 

The Natural Protected Landscape of La Gran Piedra is one of the most beautiful places in the province. This enormous rock sits more than 1100 meters above the sea level and the estimate of its weight is about 70 000 tons, and constitutes an exceptional lookout from where you can enjoy the splendid landscape of La Sierra Maestra. Besides, very close from there you will be able to find important ruins of Franco Haitian coffee plantation settlements were recently declared Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. 

A little further, the Great Natural Park of Baconao, located in the Biosphere Reserve equally named, calls for a tour on the Promenade of Sculptures, the Prehistoric Valley (a true Caribbean Jurassic Park), the Dolphins Pool, or enjoying a good portion of the beaches of the province. Its coasts are fed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea and protected by the hills of the most important Mountainous Region in the country. 

Those who visit the capital of the Caribbean also have the opportunity of visiting the Turquino National Park, with the highest peaks in the island: Turquino itself (1 974 meters), Pico Cuba (1 872 meters) and Pico Suecia (1 734). Visitors will also have the chance of getting acquainted with an ideal place for ecotourism, El Saltón, where there are also reserves of mineral-medicinal waters suitable for the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, dermatitis, traumas, allergies and respiratory affections, among others.


